Istilah-istilah di dunia per-garment-an

 Disadur dari Group WA (Garment Relationship)

Istilah di Dunia Garment :            

No          Istilah dan singkatannya

1              FKR : Factory Key Representative

2              DA : Designated Auditor

3              CFA :Certified Factory Auditor

4              N-Tech : Nominated Technician

5              NQC/QA : Nominated QA/QC

6              BTM : Brand Technical Manager

7              CA : certified Auditor

8              VKR : Vendor Key Representative.

9              FCA : Factory Cettified Auditor

10           MA = marginal accept

11           M = meet buyer requirements

12           F = Fail - Didn't perform as buyer requirements

13           FR = fabric rupture

14           FTS = fabric torn at seam

15           STB = sewing thread broken

16           MA :  Marginal accept

17           M : Meet Buyer Requirement.

18           CAP  : Corection Action Plan.

19           CPA : Critical Point Of Attention.

20           PDCA :  Plan Do Control Action.

21           RFT : Right Firs Time

22           PQS : Productivity, Quality and Safety.

23           RCA : Root Cause Analysis.

24           IRP : Inspection Reduction Program

25           CAPA : Corrective and  preventive action

26           FTR : Fabric Test Report

27           GTR : Garment Test Report

28           CAR : Corrective Action Required

29           FDS : Fabric Data Sheet

30           RTV : Return To Vendor

31           TLS : Traffic Light System

32           SPC : Statistical Process Control

33           PC : Process Control

34           FE : Factory Evaluation

35           VA : Vendor Assessment

36           KPI : Key Performance Indicator

37           OQL : Observed Quality Level

38           MCP = Manufacturing Control Plan

39           CNCM = Control Non Conforming Material

40           OQL= Out Quality Level buat defect level at fty side

41           SQL=Shipment Quality Level buat defect at DH/Buyer Warehouse.

42           FTE= Factory technical evaluation

43           MST= Mid Size Trial

44           EST=Extreem Size Trial atau Jump size Trial

45           FST = Full size Trial

46           PFC = Process Flow Chart

47           FGT = Full Garment test.

48           FST = Full Shoes Test

49           SMV = standar minute velue

50           QMS = Quality Mangement System

51           MSDS = material safety data save

52           ASM = advance shipment notice


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